Walking is a great way to get your body moving and take care of your health. A few minutes of exercise a day can help promote well-being and improve your daily life in many ways.
In the search for practicality when exercising, the electric treadmill is one of the main alternatives for those who have little time or need the ease of a device that allows them to move without leaving home. However, a frequent doubt when choosing and purchasing the product is whether a treadmill uses a lot of energy or not.
To clarify this issue and help you make a decision, in this post we will talk about treadmill energy consumption , as well as guidance on speed and the differences between treadmill types. Check it out!
Does the treadmill use a lot of energy?
The energy consumption of a treadmill can vary depending on several factors, including: the model chosen, the power of the motor, the speed at which it is used and even the weight of the people using the device.
In other words, to obtain accurate information, it is recommended that you evaluate the features and technical specifications provided by the manufacturer.
How many kWh does an electric treadmill use?
Depending on factors such as the number of times used per day and week, chosen speed and average body weight, the value will be one.
For example, considering a person weighing 80 kg using the treadmill at a speed of 9 km/h, the daily consumption is 0.7 kW/h. On the other hand, a daily consumption at maximum power, such as 18 km/h, and still with a body weight of 80 kg, the consumption is around 1.48 kW/h.
How to save energy with an electric treadmill?
Just like all other electronics and appliances in your home, if the treadmill is not purchased correctly, its consumption can be exorbitant. Check out some tips on how to save energy with the treadmill:
1. Choose an energy-efficient model
The first step is to check whether the treadmill has an energy efficiency certificate, such as the Procel Seal, indicating that the product meets recognized energy saving standards. In addition, a good model requires an efficient motor and cushioning systems that minimize friction.
2. Turn off when not in use
When you are not using your treadmill, unplugging it can be a simple and effective way to save energy. Some treadmills have a standby mode, but even when it is active, they continue to consume energy. By turning them off completely, you can avoid unnecessary consumption.
3. Perform regular maintenance
Regular maintenance not only ensures that your treadmill consumes less energy, but also extends its lifespan. Therefore, it is an essential procedure. There are different areas of the equipment that are important, such as the surface. Ensuring regular lubrication reduces friction and wear.
In addition, check that the treadmill’s electronic systems are working correctly , such as panels and sensors, to avoid failures that could consequently lead to excessive energy consumption.
4. Adjust speed and incline
If you’re looking to reduce energy consumption, reducing the speed and incline levels — to levels that still allow for an effective workout — is one option.
Which treadmill speed uses the least amount of energy?
It is difficult to give an exact answer without considering the treadmill model, its features and the mode or frequency with which the device is used. However, using it at up to 50% of its power can be a good practice for those looking to save money.
If you use the treadmill for light workouts or are in the process of recovery, maintaining this pace will be easy. Otherwise, weigh up the efficiency of the workout in relation to energy savings and define what is most important.
Electric treadmill vs. mechanical treadmill: which is better?
Determining which type of treadmill is best for you involves understanding your goals. A mechanical treadmill doesn’t have a motor, and you need to move the belt by dictating the speed with your body weight. This makes this model cheaper and, in some scenarios, simpler to use.
On an electric treadmill, the motor makes the belt move automatically — in this case, you don’t have to make any effort to move the belt. The result is slightly higher energy consumption. In addition, these devices offer more possibilities for training customization and features in general.
In short, electric treadmills are more convenient, have a wider range of features and, as a result, are more expensive. On the other hand, mechanical treadmills have a lower initial cost, are simpler to operate and consume less energy. Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each and decide which is a priority for you.
What should I know before buying a treadmill?
Now that you know whether a treadmill uses a lot of energy or not, there are some points you should consider when buying yours:
- Know the type of use: will it be just for walking? A simpler model will do the trick. However, if you intend to run on the treadmill and train harder, choose models with more power;
- Check the supported weight capacity: some electric treadmills vary in the maximum supported weight. So, look for a model that you can walk or run on without fear;
- Check the environment where you are going to place it: it is important that the environment has a comfortable space for you to get on and off the device. Preferably, choose a location near a window for ventilation;
- See how much incline the treadmill allows: electric treadmills that guarantee a simulated incline are excellent for diversifying your workouts.
Did you like our content? Knowing whether a treadmill uses a lot of energy depends on several factors, but nothing that is not clear when buying. Continue your visit to our blog and be sure to read our post with tips on how to choose the best electronic treadmill model !