Full body workout: what it is, how it works and benefits

Full body workout

Many people who want to establish an exercise routine suffer from a lack of time and motivation to stick to their workouts. Therefore, simplifying your exercise routine is a way to make the process easier and create these habits.

A person does not need to train for hours every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle, lose weight or gain muscle mass. Just as they do not necessarily need to train every day.

To exercise and move your body even on busy days, full-body training is a good alternative. With it, in just a few minutes, and often without the need for equipment, you can stimulate muscles throughout your body in just a few minutes.

Continue reading and learn more about this type of training and its benefits!

What is Full Body Training?

It is a type of training that allows you to work all muscle groups in a single session, unlike traditional training, which prioritizes a specific muscle group each day.

A highly recommended method for people who are starting out in bodybuilding, to help the body prepare for the future stimuli it will receive from the exercises. — Remember that it does not bring great results in terms of hypertrophy.

For people who want to live a healthier lifestyle and save time, full body training is a great option that offers benefits in a short period of time. It is also an alternative for when you travel and don’t have the same resources at your disposal, but need to find ways to move your body wherever you are.

7 Benefits of Full Body Training

Among the main benefits of this type of training are:

1. Contributes to strength gain

Due to its high intensity, this workout is perfect for those who want to gain strength but do not have hypertrophy as a major goal. Combined with creatine supplementation , the results can be even more positive.

2. Promotes weight loss

Remember what we said about high calorie expenditure? This training, when done in a circuit format, helps with weight loss and increases calorie burning , in addition to contributing to weight loss.

3. Provides definition

To achieve your dream fitness shape , it is important to exercise regularly and eat healthily to reduce fat and define your muscles. To achieve this goal, full body training is a great ally.

4. Avoids overloading the joints

When you always do your exercises focusing on the same muscles or using heavy weights incorrectly, you can hurt your joints.

Excessive training or high-load exercises can lead to overloading the body, known as overtraining.

5. Increases physical fitness

If you’re looking to improve your performance, regardless of the sport, this workout could be a great choice. The intensity of a full-body workout with few breaks contributes greatly to greater physical fitness.

Additionally, training helps with muscle recovery , promotes good cardiorespiratory capacity and can even help with flexibility and mobility.

6. Initiation

Full-body training is excellent for those who are starting an exercise routine because it is dynamic, practical and does not require a lot of physical preparation.

In addition, full body also allows you to familiarize yourself with different types of movement , developing motor coordination.

If you are having trouble living a healthier life and breaking out of a sedentary lifestyle, check out our post with tips on how to start exercising !

How to do full body training?

It is important to start with a warm-up and some stretching to prepare your muscles. Then, according to the exercise selection, series number and repetitions recommended by your instructor, it is time to start practicing.

At first, if you cannot afford to hire an instructor, look for videos of fitness professionals on YouTube or subscribe to guided training platforms. Follow the instructions carefully and remember to control the pace, prioritizing correct execution in each series.

Take a short rest between sets and try to alternate exercises to keep the workout dynamic and ensure that all muscle groups are worked.

To do your full body workout, it is essential that you have the help of a professional in the field, so that they can guide you with more certainty and according to your needs.

How long should I do the full body workout?

The frequency and duration varies from person to person. But, in general, it may be a good idea to start training 2 to 3 times a week, with each session lasting between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

It is always important to do the exercises considering your physical condition and time availability, giving your body the necessary time to recover between workouts.

Here on our blog you will find relevant tips and guidance about the fitness world, with tips on nutrition and supplementation!

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